Service Dog Agreement

(1) Is the dog a pet because of a disability? And service animals are in a different legal classification than pets, which are not service animals, which is why they are restricted and charged for pets. These are animals that work, assist and/or perform tasks and services for the benefit of a person with a disability or provide emotional support that improves the symptoms of a disability. Areas that do not apply to pets: the college may prohibit the use of service animals in certain places due to health and safety restrictions (for example. B when animals may be in danger or when their use may affect the integrity of the search). Restricted areas may include, among others, cabinets, boiler rooms, appliances, research laboratories, classrooms with research/demonstration animals, areas where protective clothing is needed. Service Dog Agreement: I acknowledge that I am excluding this form and that I would like to voluntarily register my service dog in the United Service Dog registration. It gives me identification equipment that helps others identify my service dog. In addition, I confirm that my service dog has been trained to help me with my disability. I do not register in a fraudulent misrepresentation of a service animal and I understand that my dog must comply with legal requirements to ensure that these registration and identification documents are valid and have privileges, including access to accommodation and public places with a pet.

In addition, I understand that federal and local service dog laws may be amended in the future, and I will continue to follow all current rules. I am aware that from March 2018, additional documents may be required, as many airlines now require the signature of a licensed mental health professional on flight-specific forms that must be submitted in advance to travel with my dog. In the event of access or privilege issues, I consider United Service Dog, LLC and its agents to be unscathed and I understand that United Service Dog LLC cannot provide assurances that owners or third parties with access and privileges protected by animal services laws are compliant and non-discriminatory. General rules: In situations where it is not obvious that the dog is a pet, staff can only ask two specific questions: an assistant can be a cat, a dog or other companion animal and does not need to be trained to perform a service. The emotional and/or physical benefits of the home-dwelling animal are those that qualify the animal as an auxiliary animal. A letter from a doctor or therapist is sufficient for the animal to be considered a service animal. Care and care: the maintenance and care of the animal is the sole responsibility of the individual who benefits from the use of the animal. The person is required to maintain control of the animal at all times. The person is also responsible for cleaning the animal`s waste and, if necessary, the animal must be placed in the areas designated by the college. Vaccination: The animal must be vaccinated against diseases that are common in this type of animal. Currently, dogs must be vaccinated against rabies and must be vaccinated against rabies.

Health: The animal must be healthy.