If the device is hired at any time by the customer for its location in the remote area, the following clauses apply in addition to the client`s obligations under Term 3 and elsewhere in these rental conditions; (b) mulitple equipment rented by a customer on a website is charged only for a call fee; Instead of having a no-signature clause, the agreement often contains a sentence that says, for example: “You will be required to accept these terms and conditions if you order, accept or pay for goods or equipment that we make available after receiving or receiving these conditions.” (a) performing equipment rental duties to you, including, but not just assessing your creditworthiness, or exercising our rights in accordance with Clause 10; 31.1 The person who signs or accepts the terms of a document that is part of the lease agreement or relevant documents for and on behalf of you ensures that he or she has the authority to enter into the lease on your behalf and to grant the security interests associated with it and that he or she has the authority to bind you to the lease agreement and any security interest. When you run a business that includes renting or leasing property or equipment, it`s always a good idea to enter into a contract. It will help clarify the role and responsibilities of you and your client and reduce the likelihood of a dispute. It can also help limit your liability if something goes wrong, secure your revenue streams and offer other important protections and specific restrictions to your business. A “rental period” refers to the time from the agreed date for the start of the lease or shipment (depending on the previous date) until the aircraft is returned. Leases are sometimes written as a formal contract that must be signed by both your company and your customers. However, it is often easier to write your lease so that it is simply placed on the back of an invoice, form or proposal and designed so that your client can accept the terms without having to sign it. 6.4 The customer may pay an additional fee for the equipment waiver plus the rental of medium and large equipment (i.e. equipment such as those set by Kennards at the time of the rent), which is the case; 30.2 We may decide, at our discretion, to revoke credits for any reason, including, but not limited, if your circumstances change, if you do not make payments on time or if you do not use the device in accordance with the terms of the lease.
8.8 You cannot remove equipment from the state or territory where you rented it without our written consent. 5.9 The customer cannot pass the device on to third parties unless Kennards (at his discretion) first agrees in writing. Such a sublease must be done in writing in a form acceptable to the Kennards and must be expressed in such a way that it is subject to Kennards` rights under this Agreement. The client cannot modify a sublease without Kennards` prior written consent (which can be retained at his sole discretion). “Dry rent” means the rental of appliances only when the installation and commissioning by the tenant is completed. These conditions exclude all conditions you submitted before or after the date of this Agreement, unless we have given our written consent to any changes or other conditions. These conditions do not affect the legal rights of a person acting as a consumer under the 1977 Abusive Contract Conditions Act, or a legislative amendment to the “Equipment” Act refers to the rental properties and/or services we must provide in the contract.